Year Joined: 2024
Main Genre: Alternative Rock
About me: I'm a Poli-sci major here at UAlbany!
My interests: I like playing guitar, cooking, traveling, dogs, and driving
First Song played: Rocko's Slippin' by Hector Gachan
Favorite artist(s): Mustard Service, Phoneboy, Her's, Mickey Darling and Arctic Monkeys, Shoe, Good Kid
Favorite song(s): "Dominoes" - Mustard Service, "Sweater Song" - Phoneboy, "Don't Think It Over" - Hers
Favorite TV show(s): How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast), Black Mirror, Umbrella Academy, Invincible
Favorite movie(s): Scott Pilgrim vs The World, Hot Fuzz, The World's End, Beetlejuice, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
When not DJ-ing: Staying silly
My heroes: John F. Kennedy, John Quincy Adams, Brian May, Gene Simmons
Who I'd like to meet: You! How's your day been? Good, I hope!