Year Joined: 2024
Main Genre: Alternative Rock
About me: I like music from before my time & I try to share it with my generation. Cronic diabetic
My interests: Video games --- even though I don't have time for it anymore :(, socializing, badminton, uhhhhhhhhhhh learning to skateboard (horribly)
First Song played: Magic Carpet Ride - Steppenwolf (during on-air test (failed horribly))
Favorite artist(s): Eric Clapton; Marty Robbins; Stevie Wonder; Ray Charles; Elvis; Bruno Mars; Joji; Djo
Favorite song(s): My Sweet Lord - George Harrison
Favorite TV show(s): Breaking Bad; The Boys; Better Call Saul; Cowboy Bebop
Favorite movie(s): The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (+ a lot of Clint Eastwood movies); Groundhog Day
When not DJ-ing: Trying to survive college
My heroes: Keanu Reeves
Who I'd like to meet: Two kids stacked on top of one another wearing a trenchcoat